Online Mastermind

The Intentional Business Collective

February - July 2023

A 6-month group coaching mastermind for women business owners who know that life is about so much more than business.

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Those in pursuit of the status quo need not apply; you’re a business owner on the path to realizing a rich, bold, and colourful existence.


Those in pursuit of the status quo need not apply; you’re a business owner on the path to realizing a rich, bold, and colourful existence. ◇◇


You crave:

◇ Flow between the personal and professional.

◇ You show up in business exactly how you are and your day allows for the best of both worlds: a client meeting followed by midday pilates; podcast recording on either side of coffee with your hubs.

◇ Connection and experiences with the people you love most.

Like adventuring in the mountains with your partner, taking a cooking class with your kid, or moving abroad for a year.

◇ Being able to market yourself and show up in a way that feels easy, natural, and true to you.

◇ Lots of time for your favorite hobbies, whether that means reading cheesy YA novels, doing yoga, or making funky hippie-esque jewellery.

◇ Enough time, money, and energy to truly live your life, rather than busting your butt so hard in your business that you hardly get a second just to be present. 

◇ Clients that feel more like friends. (Friends who love paying you great money for what you do, that is!)

◇ Being able to say yes only to those opportunities that align with your big picture. 


But let’s be honest for a sec: sometimes this vision feels totally out of reach.

◇ Even though you’ve got your eye on the prize, some days the path to realizing what you want feels tedious, lonely, and unclear.

◇ You find yourself longing for more: more freedom, more abundance, more joy, more of everything you love. But then feel guilty because you’ve already been blessed with so much.

◇ You want to invest more deeply in your well-being and health, but all too often your workouts get pushed aside for work, and you keep telling yourself you’ll get that niggling shoulder pain looked at — “later”.

◇ When you started your business you thought that would mean time for weekday hikes or to take a full month off at Christmas. Except whenever you try and do these things you feel anxious and bad for not doing all the other, more important stuff that needs to get done.


"At a time when my personal life was crashing, The Intentional Business Collective saved me from giving up on my business. I really enjoyed Keltie's energy and the safe and trusted space to share business concerns and ideas with like-minded business women. Plus, the number of different topics Keltie covered was amazing! Highly recommended!"

- CHRISTINE ROBINSON, Life Coach for Women Over 50

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Frankly, you’re tired of programs and business coaching focused on

Over-inflated promises.

Growth for growth’s sake.

And that neglect there’s a person with a life who’s building that business.


You’re clear on what you want and where you’re going (and you also realize that moments of not-knowing are part of the journey).

But you want support and guidance to continue growing by design, so you can fully soak up the gorgeous life that you’re intent on living.


Here’s what you’ll find inside the Intentional Business Collective:

◇ The coaching and support of a guide who walks the talk when it comes to doing business and life by design, rather than default; a guide who can help you do the same.

◇ Community with other women who will cheer you on and celebrate your wins, and offer support and encouragement when things are challenging.

◇ Conversation that goes beyond the latest social algorithm or email marketing (though we can definitely talk about that too!). Think topics like how to embody the right energy in your business, strong boundary-setting, and doing more with less.

When you say “yes” to joining the Intentional Business Collective, you’ll get access to…


1 x group coaching calls/month

Where you’ll have the chance to get coached by me on whatever topic or question feels pressing. Plus, listen in on what other group members are needing support with. These sessions are the chance to learn from and alongside each other.


1 x group mastermind session/month

We’ll table a different topic each month that feels timely and relevant to the group members, and then discuss it. These sessions will be a mix of conversation, peer support, and hot-seat coaching.

Healthy habits? Intentional marketing? Epic adventure planning? Value-based decision-making? These are examples of some of the topics we could feature; we’ll firm up sessions based on what YOU want to talk about!


1 x book club/quarter

I’ll host a mini training on some of the key learnings from books that have deeply influenced my own journey creating a business and life by design. Then we’ll talk about how you can apply these principles in your business and life.

Greg McKeown’s Essentialism? Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans? Kate Northrup’s Do Less? We’ll pick our book club books depending on what you and the rest of the community want featured.


Twice monthly G.S.D. sessions

For the times you’ve been procrastinating a little too hard and need to Get. Shit. Done. We’ll meet for a virtual co-working session and cheer each other on in our respective projects.


The Intentional Business Collective Online Community

Stay connected and give and find support amongst your group of likeminded women business owners who get it.


"What I love about our weekly Intentional Business Collective sessions is the support we give each other. Every week, there's a slightly different format, from hot seat coaching to co-working to mastermind sessions. Listening to what's on everyone's minds is super helpful and provides a great deal of clarity for both our professional and personal lives. I look forward to keeping in touch with this group far beyond our 6 months together!"

- BELINDA GRACE FISCHER, Marketing Translator & Transcreation Specialist


 PLUS, because I want you to get the very most out of this experience,

I’m also giving you…


FREE access to Get Clarity

Because we know that clarity is a journey, and sometimes we all need a little course correction, I’m giving you free access to my 7-week online course, Get Clarity, a value of $497.

Discounted private coaching sessions

You’ll get access to exclusive pricing and a coaching offer that’s only for group members. Want my hands-on support in a 1-on-1 setting? Add monthly private coaching sessions to your Intentional Business Collective membership.


 Do business & life your way, and experience more.

Here’s your investment to be a part of the Intentional Business Collective:


Option #1: The “Elements” offering

6 months inside the group
1 payment of $1800 USD*
6 x $300 USD* monthly


Option #2: The “Elevate” offering

6 months inside the group + 1 private coaching session monthly (6 in total)
1 payment of $3600 USD*
6 x $600 USD* monthly


* plus applicable taxes.
Sessions take place from 4-6 pm CET (10-12 noon EST) on Mondays (excluding certain public holidays).


"So much has changed in the last few months: I finally made a big decision that had been weighing me down for months, and it feels SO good; I’m learning how to say no and set better boundaries in my life; and exciting new opportunities are coming my way — life seems full of possibilities!""

- NICOLE EHRLICH, Marketing Specialist

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Are you ready to claim a future lived with intention?

Book a right-fit connection call to discuss joining 

The Intentional Business Collective in February. 


👇 Still got questions? I have answers.👇

  • Our calls will take place from 4-6 pm CET (8-10 am EST) on Mondays.

    We typically meet 4 times per month (1 coaching call, 2 G.S.D. sessions, 1 mastermind call), except on Book Club months, when we meet 5 x’s).

  • I know life can be busy, so if you can’t make all of our calls, no problem. All calls will be recorded so you can watch the replay afterward if you like!

  • In order to facilitate a safe, trusting, and supportive community for our members, the IBC is a 6-month commitment. As such, cancellations are not allowed.

    More than committing to a program, by joining The Collective, you’re making a commitment to yourself and your fellow group members.

    Personal and professional growth takes time, consistency, and accountability and it’s important that we agree to invest ourselves — and support one another — during these 6 months.

  • Each call will take place on Zoom and has a different focus:

    • Our monthly mastermind calls are focused on a different topic related to running your business with intention.

      Topics like aligned decision-making, how to embrace the masculine and feminine, and prioritization amid overwhelm.

      You’ll learn from each other’s experiences, wisdom, and reflections, PLUS, figure out how to apply our discussion to your business.

    • In our group coaching call, you’ll get a chance to ask me whatever questions YOU have about running your business or get coaching in any area of business or life where you feel stuck or need a sounding board.

      Not only will you get your turn in the hot seat getting coached, but you’ll be able to listen in and learn as your fellow women entrepreneurs get support in the areas where they need it.

    • Our G.S.D. (that’s Get Shit Done!) session is when we come together for a virtual co-working session.

      Bring a project or task that you’ve had on the backburner or desperately need to put some focus on, and we’ll cheer each other on and provide accountability.

    • In our Intentional Book Club, we discuss how you can apply the ideas and principles from a book we’ve all read in your own business and life.

      We’ll pick our book club books depending on what you and the rest of the community want featured!

  • By joining the IBC you commit to doing your best to join each of our calls (though we get that sometimes this isn’t possible). The magic truly happens inside our sessions, and we want to make sure you’re a part of that!

    It’s also of utmost importance that you show up and support your fellow masterminders with kindness and uphold a safe and trusting community.

  • Part of upholding a safe space where group members can share openly, and be supported, is by agreeing to confidentiality. Part of the program’s intake agreement outlines that you agree that the things we discuss inside the IBC, stay inside the group; in particular, where it concerns other people’s businesses and lives.

    Want to publicly share your personal experiences and transformations within the mastermind? That’s totally fine, but know that other people’s experiences and business/life particulars are their own.